OPPOSE: SB1031 – Attack on Religious Exemption for Homeschooling
STATUS: This bill will be voted on TODAY, 1/28, in the Senate Education and Health Committee after the adjournment of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee in Senate Room A.
This legislation challenges the core purpose of the religious exemption for homeschooling statute, which was established to safeguard the beliefs of families who conscientiously object to government-run education due to deeply held religious convictions and choose to homeschool their children.
STATUS: This bill will be voted on TODAY, 1/28 in the House Finance Subcommittee 2 at 4pm in House Committee Room 210.
Creates two refundable tax credits empowering parental education choice: Up to $5,000 for homeschool/private school expenses and up to $1,500 for public school expenses. Lower-income families get additional $2,500 credit. Program capped at $25M annually with automatic 10% increase if 90% used. Supports family freedom in education decisions while reducing their tax burden.
THE STATUS OF THE FOLLOWING BILLS IS: On the agenda of the House Election Administration Subcommittee THIS AFTERNOON at 4PM in House South Subcommittee Room 210.
OPPOSE: HB1657 – Voter List Maintenance Timing
Requires certain list maintenance programs that remove ineligible voters to be completed 90 days before any primary or general election, extending the current requirement that certain list maintenance programs (like address updates at large scale) cannot be completed within 90 days before a general election. Because Virginia has frequent elections, this bill proposes changes that would impede voter list accuracy.
OPPOSE: HB2002 – Voter Registration Cancellation Data Sources
This bill limits voter registration cancellations to data provided only by the Department of Elections or state-approved agencies, inhibiting our general registrars ability to maintain an accurate registered voter list.
Imposes $1,000 civil penalty on electoral board members who refuse to certify results. This impedes their ability to serve properly as an electoral board member, oversee elections and use their best judgment to certify elections.
Status: This bill is on the Senate Third Reading Calendar TODAY and is expected to receive a floor vote.
The bill changes deadline from noon to 5:00 PM on the third day after Election Day for receiving absentee ballots and for a voter to provide missing information needed to accompany a provisional ballot (like an ID). This change would unnecessarily delay election results, negatively impacting voter confidence.
Status: This bill is on the Senate Third Reading Calendar TODAY and is expected to receive a floor vote.
Requires certain list maintenance programs that remove ineligible voters to be completed 90 days before any primary or general election, extending the current requirement that certain list maintenance programs (like address updates at large scale) cannot be completed within 90 days before a general election. Because Virginia has frequent elections, this bill proposes changes that would impede voter list accuracy.
THE STATUS OF THE FOLLOWING BILLS IS: On the agenda of the House Election Administration Subcommittee THIS AFTERNOON at 4PM in House South Subcommittee Room 210.
SUPPORT: HB2402 – Enhanced Voter ID Affirmation
Requires voters without ID to provide additional information (full name, birth year, last four SSN digits) when signing an affirmation statement to vote. Applies to both in-person and early voting. Maintains existing acceptable forms of ID while strengthening verification requirements for those voting by affirmation.
This bill strengthens voter identification requirements by mandating the presentation of photo identification at polling places and during absentee voting. The legislation aims to enhance election integrity by ensuring voters can definitively verify their identity, while providing provisional voting options for those without standard forms of identification and maintaining accessibility for all qualified voters.
SUPPORT: HB2444 – Eliminate Cost for Digital Copies of the Registered Voter List
This bill requires the Department of Elections to provide digital lists of all registered voters and of persons who voted at any primary, special, or general election held in the four preceding years at no cost and manually prepared paper lists of such voters and persons at actual cost to certain persons. Under current law such lists are provided at a “reasonable” price and no format is specified.
This bill requires 24-hour video surveillance at all absentee ballot drop-off locations and mandates daily collection by bipartisan teams, strengthening security protocols for ballot returns. Currently, guidance from the Department of Elections requires 24-hour surveillance but many localities are not in compliance with the policy.
SUPPORT: HB2508 – High School Voter Registration Parental Consent
Requires parental consent for voter registration of students under 18. Limits voter registration activities at high schools to administrators, teachers, staff, and election officials. Requires acknowledgment of giving minor applicant’s personal information.
SUPPORT: HB2513 – Voter Registration Cancellation Notice Process
Requires registrars to use DMV data to update vote records and mail cancellation notices to both new and old addresses when available for voters who have moved, as indicated by DMV data. To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Please contact these Delegates immediately and ask them to VOTE YES on HB2402, HB2434, HB2444, HB2445, HB2478, HB2508, and HB2513
Status: This bill passed in the House Privileges and Elections Committee on Friday, 1/24. It will now be sent to the House floor for a vote later this week.
Requires the Department of Elections to publicly post costs for purchasing voter registration lists and voting history lists on its website. Maintains existing privacy protections and authorized uses while increasing transparency about fees charged to campaigns, parties, and other authorized recipients.
STATUS: This bill will be voted on in the House Appropriations Committee TODAY, 1/27. The vote will take place in House Appropriations Committee Room 1200, 30 minutes after the adjournment of the House.
This bill would create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Under this proposed legislation, the Board will be given authority to limit drug payment amounts and reimbursements to an upper payment limit amount for state sponsored and state regulated health plans, directly opposed to free market principles.
STATUS: This bill is on the agenda of the House Communications Subcommittee to be voted on THIS MORNING, 1/24 in House Committee Room C – 206.
This bill creates requirements for the development, deployment, and use of certain artificial intelligence systems, defined in the bill, and civil penalties for noncompliance. If adopted, this bill would establish considerable heavy handed regulations on AI development and use including requiring AI to be trained on what appears to be DEI standards. This bill Takes effect July 2026 with enforcement through the Attorney General.
STATUS: This bill will be voted on in the House Finance Committee Subcommittee 2 on Tuesday, 1/28, at 4pm in House South Committee Room 210.
Creates two refundable tax credits empowering parental education choice: Up to $5,000 for homeschool/private school expenses and up to $1,500 for public school expenses. Lower-income families get additional $2,500 credit. Program capped at $25M annually with automatic 10% increase if 90% used. Supports family freedom in education decisions while reducing their tax burden.
OPPOSE: SB1401 – Home Care Provider Collective Bargaining
STATUS: This bill was on the agenda of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on 1/24 and was incorporated/merged into SB917.
This bill authorizes collective bargaining rights for firefighters and emergency medical services providers, establishing procedures for union representation and dispute resolution. The legislation creates a Fire Service Cooperation Board to oversee labor relations and provides binding arbitration for contract negotiations while prohibiting strikes. Effective January 1, 2026.
OPPOSE: SB964 – Home Care Provider Collective Bargaining
STATUS: This bill was on the agenda of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on 1/24 and was incorporated/merged into SB917.
This bill creates the Virginia Home Care Authority to oversee home care services and allows individual home care providers to unionize and collectively bargain. The bill only takes effect if Virginia enacts broader public employee collective bargaining legislation.
OPPOSE: SB917 – Collective Bargaining by Public Employees
STATUS: This bill passed in the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on 1/24 and was sent to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.
This bill establishes a comprehensive framework for public employee collective bargaining, creating a Public Employee Relations Board to oversee negotiations while maintaining critical limitations on government employee strikes.
OPPOSE: SB917 – Collective Bargaining by Public Employees
STATUS: This bill will be voted on in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee TODAY, 1/24, 30 minutes after adjournment in Senate Room A, Room 305.
This bill establishes a comprehensive framework for public employee collective bargaining, creating a Public Employee Relations Board to oversee negotiations while maintaining critical limitations on government employee strikes.
OPPOSE: SB964 – Home Care Provider Collective Bargaining
STATUS: This bill will be voted on in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee TODAY, 1/24, 30 minutes after adjournment in Senate Room A, Room 305.
This bill creates the Virginia Home Care Authority to oversee home care services and allows individual home care providers to unionize and collectively bargain. The bill only takes effect if Virginia enacts broader public employee collective bargaining legislation.
OPPOSE: HB2089 – Home Care Provider Collective Bargaining
STATUS: This bill was on the agenda of House Labor and Commerce Subcommittee #2 yesterday, 1/23, but was passed by for the day. The vote for this bill has been rescheduled for a subcommittee meeting on Tuesday next week.
This bill creates the Virginia Home Care Authority to oversee home care services and allows individual home care providers to unionize and collectively bargain. The bill only takes effect if Virginia enacts broader public employee collective bargaining legislation.
OPPOSE: HB2495 – Firefighter and EMS Collective Bargaining
STATUS: This bill was on the agenda of House Labor and Commerce Subcommittee #2 yesterday, 1/23, but was passed by for the day. The vote for this bill has been rescheduled for a subcommittee meeting on Tuesday next week.
This bill authorizes collective bargaining rights for firefighters and emergency medical services providers in Virginia. The legislation creates a Fire Service Cooperation Board to oversee labor relations, establishes procedures for union elections and dispute resolution, and provides binding arbitration for unresolved contract negotiations. Effective January 1, 2026.
Status: This bill is on the agenda of the House Privileges and Elections committee to be voted on THIS MORNING, 1/24, at 9:30AM in House Committee Room C-206.
This bill requires the Department of Elections to publicly post costs for purchasing voter registration lists and voting history lists on its website. Maintains existing privacy protections and authorized uses while increasing transparency about fees charged to campaigns, parties, and other authorized recipients.
Status: This bill is on the Senate Second Reading Calendar for the Senate Floor TODAY, 1/24. It is expected to be on the third Reading Calendar on Monday and receive a floor vote.
Changes deadline from noon to 5:00 PM on the third day after Election Day for receiving absentee ballots and for a voter to provide missing information needed to accompany a provisional ballot (like an ID). This change would unnecessarily delay election results, decreasing voter confidence.
Contact your Senator and ask them to VOTE NO on SB760!
OPPOSE: SB813 – Voter List Maintenance Timing
Status: This bill is on the Senate Second Reading Calendar for the Senate Floor TODAY, 1/24. It is expected to be on the third Reading Calendar on Monday and receive a floor vote.
Requires certain list maintenance programs that remove ineligible voters to be completed 90 days before any primary or general election, extending the current requirement that certain list maintenance programs (like address updates at large scale) cannot be completed within 90 days before a general election. Because Virginia has frequent elections, this bill proposes changes that would impede voter list accuracy.
SUPPORT: HB2443 – Portable Benefit Accounts for Independent Contractors
STATUS: This bill was voted on in the House Labor and Commerce Subcommittee 2 and was killed through the motion to pass by indefinitely on January, 23rd.
This bill creates a framework for portable benefit accounts, empowering independent contractors to access flexible benefits through voluntary contributions from hiring entities. The legislation supports individual economic freedom by allowing independent contractors to establish accounts for healthcare, insurance, and retirement benefits that remain under their control, regardless of their work status, promoting personal financial resilience and worker autonomy.
OPPOSE: SB979 – Delayed implementation of new Public School Accountability System
Status: This bill PASSED in the Senate Education and Health Committee on January 23rd. It will now be sent to the Senate Floor for a vote.
This bill directs the Department of Education to delay for one year the implementation of the revised public school accountability system adopted recently by the State Board of Education after robust research and discussion.
OPPOSE:SB1031 – Religious Exemption for Education Requirements
Status: This bill was scheduled to receive a vote in the Senate Education and Health Committee today, 1/23. The bill was passed by for the day. The reason provided for the delay was wanting to work towards a compromise between religious liberty and reporting requirements for the homeschool students that utilize the religious exemption for homeschooling (there is now a new amended version of the bill which you can see here). HEAV, a Virginia Association for homeschoolers, has not been approached by legislators about their feedback on any changes to the bill.
SB1031 Attacks the homeschooling religious exemption process by requiring parents to meet educational qualifications, submit annual notices and progress reports, and demonstrate certain instruction methods.