SUPPORT: HB2119 – Medical Desert Healthcare Access and Expedited Review
STATUS: This bill is on the Senate calendar TODAY, for the Second Reading.
This bill creates a process for expedited certificate of public need review in medical desert areas, defined as locations with no healthcare facility within 15-30 miles, less than one primary care physician per 3,500 residents, high poverty rates, or federal Health Professional Shortage Area designation. The Commissioner must issue determinations within 120 days of application submission, streamlining approval processes to expand healthcare access in underserved communities.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Find your Senator’s contact information HERE and ask them to VOTE YES on HB2119!
SUPPORT: SB1064 – Medical Care Facilities Certificate of Public Need Process Reform
STATUS: This bill is on the House calendar TODAY, for the Second Reading.
This bill streamlines the certificate of public need (COPN) process for medical facilities by establishing an expedited 90-day review for certain psychiatric services, creating clear criteria for project reviews, and ensuring efficient processing of applications. The reforms maintain oversight of healthcare facility expansion while reducing regulatory burden through more efficient approval processes, supporting increased access to behavioral health services.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Find your Delegate’s contact information HERE and ask them to VOTE YES on SB1064!
SUPPORT: SB843 – Remote Patient Monitoring
STATUS: This bill is on the House calendar TODAY, for the Second Reading.
This bill directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services to develop a plan and estimate costs for expanding eligibility criteria under Medicaid for remote patient monitoring for individuals with chronic conditions. These proposed changes would allow for a vulnerable demographic of Virginians, those with chronic conditions, to receive critical attention from medical professionals without further jeopardizing their health through unnecessary movement and travel.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Find your Delegate’s contact information HERE and ask them to VOTE YES on SB843!
SUPPORT: HB1904 – Nursery service provider expansion
STATUS: This bill is on the Senate calendar TODAY, for the Second Reading.
Expands healthcare access by allowing qualified nurse midwives and pediatric nurse practitioners to provide newborn nursery coverage when physicians are unavailable, with appropriate training requirements. Enables telehealth consultation options while maintaining quality standards and safety protocols. This reduces regulatory barriers and increases healthcare provider options, particularly benefiting rural areas with physician shortages.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Find your Senator’s contact information HERE and ask them to VOTE YES on HB1904!
SUPPORT: SB1203 – Medical Desert Healthcare Access and Expedited Review
STATUS: This bill passed the Senate Friday, 2/14, and is headed to the Governor’s desk.
This bill creates a process for expedited certificate of public need review in medical desert areas, defined as locations with no healthcare facility within 15-30 miles, less than one primary care physician per 3,500 residents, high poverty rates, or federal Health Professional Shortage Area designation. The Commissioner must issue determinations within 120 days of application submission, streamlining approval processes to expand healthcare access in underserved communities.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Contact the Governor and urge him to SIGN SB1203!
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Call: (804) 786-2211
OPPOSE: SB1177 – Certificate of Public Need Exemption for Critical Hospitals
STATUS: This bill passed the House Friday, 2/14, and is headed to the Governor’s desk.
This bill would further entrench Virginia in the problems caused by the Certificate of Public Need program. It would allow certain hospitals, defined as critical access hospitals, to receive an exemption from COPN. This interference in the market place would cause inequity and continue to allow hospitals to choose winners and losers in the market of medical services.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE
Contact the Governor and urge him to VETO SB1177!
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Call: (804) 786-2211
OPPOSE: HB1724 – Medicinal Price Setting
STATUS: This bill was passed by the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Friday, 2/14 and will head to the Senate floor.
This bill would create a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Under this proposed legislation, the Board will be given authority to limit drug payment amounts and reimbursements to an upper payment limit amount for state sponsored and state regulated health plans, directly opposed to free market principles.
- To see bill text and info: Click HERE